How important is mother's milk for baby? These diseases do not come close

How important is mother's milk for baby? These diseases do not come close.

How important is mother's milk for baby? These diseases do not come close.
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Particular heart-related symptoms are seen in premature babies. These include small heart chambers, relatively high blood pressure, and uneven growth of heart muscle.

Breastfeeding in premature babies can play an important role in preventing many heart-related diseases. Special heart-related symptoms are seen in prematurely born newborns. These include small heart chambers, relatively high blood pressure, and uneven growth of heart muscle.

"Current evidence has come from studies and it suggests that early breast-feeding continues to improve long-term heart health," said Afif al-Khuffash, a professor and researcher at The Rotunda Hospital in Dublin Ireland.

The research studied 30 prematurely born children who had breast-fed and 16 prematurely born adults who were given formula-based diet during birth.

He was evaluated for a detailed heart. His age was between 23 and 28 years. MRI of the heart was also included in this.

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