People remember the dream destination, this place became the most searched on the Internet.

People remember the dream destination, this place became the most searched on the Internet.

People remember the dream destination, this place became the most searched on the Internet.
Some tourist destinations have been searched the most during lockdown.

Tourism and airlines companies have suffered the most after the closure of tourist services due to the lockdown. In these difficult circumstances, people are now able to feel their dream destination only on the Internet.

Due to the lockdown due to Corona virus, there is a ban on people moving around the world. Tourism and airlines companies have suffered the most after the closure of tourist services. In these difficult circumstances, people are now able to feel their dream destination only on the Internet.

A company named Emerald Waterways has recently presented an interesting report about the tourist destination of European countries. These tourist destinations have been included in this report, which were the most searched by people during the lockdown on the Internet. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is named at the top of this list.

According to the report, during the last few months during the lockdown people have searched some tourist destinations the most. The Eiffel Tower in Paris has been searched for the highest number of 135,000 times in a month. In this case, Notre Dame of Paris is second only, which was searched about 49,500 times in a month.

In addition, the Colosseum of Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, the Sistine Chapel of Vatican City, the Arc de Triomphe of Paris, the Pantheon of Rome and the Acropolis of Athens have been searched the most. Every year a large number of tourists gathered at these places.

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